How to play (and not to play) a crystal singing bowl

How to play (and not to play) a crystal singing bowl

This is one of the most frequently asked question I get – how do I play my crystal singing bowl? It may seem easy but using the correct techniques will not only allow you to get the most out of playing the bowl, but may also save you from breaking them!

    How to play your crystal singing bowl

    • Use the mallets provided to you
    • Wake up your crystal singing bowl by lightly striking it at a 45 degree angle at the top/side of the bowl 
    • Softly, softly and softly. Remember these are crystals so they are very delicate! Start soft and work up from there
    • Strike the outside rim with a rubber mallet no more than 1-2 inch down from the top
    • Singing you bowl. It is best for beginners to strike first then follow the vibration around the bowl with your mallet slow and soft
    • Acknowledge there are 2 sides to your bowl, clock wise (male) and anti clock wise (female). Some may say Yin and Yang, or Positive and Negative, etc etc.. Sing both sides and thank them for their combined force
    • Play with intention every single time 

    How not to play your crystal singing bowl

    • Try to not hit or strike your crystal singing bowl too hard
    • Avoid singing them to fast (winding them up to fast and loud) as they are crystals after all and may shatter!

    Most of all – have fun, enjoy and work with the divine energy in a loving and kind way that serves you and others in the greatest good.